Charges Dropped in Sexual Crimes Case in Military

Good Morning, Friends,
I became a military defense attorney because I passionately believed that our Service Members were being falsely accused of sex crimes at an alarming rate. I saw innocent men and women lose their careers over baseless allegations and I could not stand it.
I recently represented a Warrant Officer who was accused of sex assault. The allegation only came after the accuser was being investigated for a similar offense. This man was innocent. Simple as that. Inconsistent statements. Motives to fabricate. Video evidence clearly indicating that no crime occurred. Yet, he was under investigation for 13 months, charged with felony level offenses, faced sex offender registration, and went through incredible stress.
Charges have now been dropped. Thank you to Eric Echols for his help and to my client for his incredible patience. Until the military gives defense counsels their own investigators we will continue to see innocent men and women falsely accused at an alarming rate. Nearly every public defender office has assigned investigators. The Army, in particular, has made little to no progress in getting investigators assigned to trial defense offices and I have never worked with a defense investigator in the Air Force. This should not be tolerated.
Robert Capovilla
Capovilla & Williams